slimsphere therapy
$299 | 1 Session
$1350 | 5 Sessions ($270/Session)
$2200 | 10 Sessions ($220/Session)
$2500 | 12 Sessions ($208/Session)
$3330 | 18 Sessions ($185/Session)
$3960 | 24 Sessions ($165/Session)
$950 | Face
$1,200 | Face & Neck
* Add-on décolleté for $400 (Reg. $850)
  • Requires 1-3 sessions to achieve the desired results.
  • Initial results will be visible immediately and will further enhance over the following 90 days.
  • Allow 7 days for the skin to completely recover.
  • A consultation is required.
  • Discontinue any retinoids, glycolic acid, or exfoliating products 2 weeks before treatment. Shave the treatment area for added comfort.

Please submit the following info to (425) 864-5187 before booking:

  • Full Name
  • At least 2 photos of the treatment area

*Photo submissions must be free of any filters, taken in good lighting, and clear in quality.

*Washington State Law requires sales tax be collected on all permanent makeup services.

*There is an additional 4% fee when using a credit/debit card.

The most innovative, non-surgical cellulite treatment has arrived in Washington State, improving skin appearance without causing harm.  SlimSphere Therapy is the latest laser alternative treatment that tightens and lifts the skin to reduce cellulite, and build muscle, lose weight, and so much more! If you’re interested in a non-invasive aesthetic procedure with real results, let’s talk about SlimSphere Therapy.

What is SlimSphere?

Another popular cellulite treatment is SlimSphere, also known as the inner roller ball treatment, which uses a rotating handpiece with spherical balls inside. The SlimSphere treatment uses a massage action that rhythmically transmits micro vibrations deep within the tissue, fluctuating pressure which activates the lymph and blood circulation. As this happens, your adipose fat deposits (which cause cellulite) are destroyed, plus there is transdermal electroporation which opens up your pores and increases the absorption of nutrient-rich skin deposits.

What Is Slimsphere Used For?

There are so many great uses for SlimSphere therapy, all of which are non-invasive and show real results. Here are some of the ways this skin care treatment can help you.

  • This reduces cellulite in the glutes, abs, hips, legs, and arms. 
  • This removes toxins from the body for healthier skin. 
  • This tones the muscles and tightens the skin. 
  • The treatment reduces fat and eliminates flabby or puffy skin. 
  • The treatment improves microcirculation through a vascular workout.
  • This is used for rehabilitation in sports medicine as it reduces muscle spasms.
  • This reduces tissue inflammation in cellulite and lymphoedema.
  • This smooths wrinkles and fine lines. 
  • This reduces dark rings under the eyes. 
  • This plumps up the lips. 
  • The lifts the cheeks and shapes facial contours. 
  • This opens up pores for improved penetration of skincare products.

The Benefits of Using Slimsphere Therapy

  • It uses deep stimulation at a vascular and metabolic level which improves the microcirculatory system and the lymphatic system resulting in toxin release and skin cleansing. 
  • It stimulates the stem cells’ natural healing to reduce cellulite undulations. 
  • It compresses the muscles which simulates a muscular workout, improving circulation and muscle tone. 
  • By impacting the mechanoreceptors, the system allows for pain relief and inflammation reduction. 
  • The frequency and pressure of the SlimSphere treatment can be adjusted for the individual’s needs. 
  • The treatment has fast-acting results that are easily noticeable from the very first session. 
  • It’s completely non-invasive, rejuvenating, toning, and tightening without the need for surgery. 
  • This treatment is highly effective and safe, with no side effects.
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